
Principles for personal data collection 

Personal information related to the visitor is processed in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR of 25 May 2018 on the processing of personal data.

In concrete terms, this means that:

  • Your personal data may only be collected and processed in accordance with the purposes indicated at the time of collection.
  • You have the right to consult your personal data in order to check their accuracy and to have any errors corrected, as well as to request their simple deletion. To this end, you may contact the person responsible for processing your data, whose contact details are given below.
  • Butterfly&CO SRL is committed to taking the best possible security measures to prevent third parties from misusing the personal data you have provided.
  • Butterfly&CO SRL will never pass on the data collected about you to third parties without your explicit prior consent.

Data controller

Any request or question relating to the protection of privacy on the website can be made to us at the following address:

Butterfly&CO SRL
Avenue Baty Gigot 82
1420 – Braine l'Alleud
Email :

Tel : 0478/652091 (Isabelle Dubois)
Tel : 0476/266460 (Marie Hendrick)

The persons in charge of these issues are: Isabelle Dubois & Marie Hendrick

Use of browsing information for statistical purposes

When you access the website, the servers you visit automatically collect the following data:

  • the date and time of visit of the website
  • the pages visited
  • the duration of the visit
  • the frequency of the visits
  • the type of browser used
  • the platform and/or the operating system installed on your computer 
  • the search engine and the keywords used to find the website 
  • the geographical area (town) 

This information is only stored for the purpose of measuring the number of visitors in the different sections of the website and for making improvements. The statistical tool used to record this data is Google Analytics.

If you so wish, you can deactivate the recording of your visits on our website using the module provided by Google Analytics.

At no point do we collect personal data such as first name, surname, telephone number, e-mail address, IP address (anonymised data) or mailing address, except when you fill in a form voluntarily and knowingly, where the use of the data collected is clearly specified.

Use of cookies

In order to facilitate your browsing experience on the website and to optimise the technical handling, Butterfly&CO SRL may occasionally use 'cookies'.
A 'cookie' is a small piece of information stored by a website in the browser of your computer. This 'cookie' can be retrieved when visiting the same website again. The 'cookie' cannot be read by any other website than the one that created it. The website uses cookies for administrative purposes, for example, to save your preferences for certain types of information so that you do not have to repeat the same keystrokes each time you visit our website.

Two cookies are used on the website:

  • Google Analytics ( see above )
  • Youtube

Most cookies only work for the duration of a session or visit. None of them contain any information that would make it possible to contact you by phone, e-mail or post. You can also set up your browser to notify you when a 'cookie' is created or to prevent cookies from being saved.

Social media networks

Butterfly&CO SRL has developed its activity on social media through official pages allowing us to communicate and interact with our audience.

We invite you to find out how these social media networks comply with the GDPR by visiting their websites:

Please note that as a user of these social media networks, you normally have to accept the terms and conditions set by each of them. Butterfly&CO SPRL cannot be held responsible for the personal data left by you on these networks through browsing and interacting with our official pages and accounts.